The second edition of this authoritative introduction to the global environmental fluctuations of the Quaternary period has been thoroughly revised and updated, and now includes two new chapters: one on Quaternary glaciations, its causes and feedback mechanisms, and one on the Milankovitch theory and its implications for Quaternary climatic oscillations. The book draws on examples from every continent, including Antarctica, and features a superb range of maps and illustrations. The time span covered includes relevant events during the Tertiary which set the stage for the Quaternary glaciations and associated changes in climate, vegetation, and prehistoric human development. Focusing on the interactions between geological, biological and hydrological processes, the book explores the effects of human impact on the environment and considers how far evidence from the Quartenary may be useful in predicting future environmental change.
Quaternary environments: an introduction
Prelude to the quaternary
Quaternary glaciations: extent and chronology
Quaternary glaciations: causes and feedback mechanisms
The Milankovitch hypotheseis and quaternary environments
Quaternary sea level changes
Evidence from the oceans
Rivers, lakes and groundwater
Evidence from the deserts
Evidence from terrestrial flora and fauna
Human origins, innovations and migrations
Atmospheric circulation during the quaternary
Environmental changes: past, present, future
Appendix quaternary dating methods
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