The speeches of General Douglas MacArthur
MPI Home Video
(The speeches collection, MP 1687)
MPI Home Video, [1990]
ビデオレコード(ビデオ (カセット))
General Douglas MacArthur
Title on container: General Douglas MacArthur
"Their words made history."
Running time on cassette label: 50 min. Actual runnig time: 55 min
Listen to the words of the World War II General, Douglas MacArthur, they are eerily prophetic. He speaks about the arms race, the future of communist China and the rise of Japan's affluence, and we hear again his "I shall return" speech
Put on container: "c1990 MPI Home Video."
VHS hi-fi, mono
MPI Home Video
ビデオレコード (ビデオ (カセット))