Izaak Walton . John Dryden . Swift . Edward Gibbon . John Henry Newman . A.E. Housman . Lytton Strachey . Wyndham Lewis . Charles Williams . Edwin Muir . C. Day Lewis . Graham Greene
by Margaret Bottrall . by Bonamy Dobrée . by J. Middleton Murry . by C.V. Wedgwood . by J.M. Cameron . by Ian Scott-Kilvert . by R.A. Scott-James . by E.W.F. Tomlin . by John Heath-Stubbs . by J.C. Hall . by Clifford Dyment . by Francis Wyndham
(Writers & their work, v. 6)
Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green, 1956
Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans, Green