Current Issues in Comparative Grammar illustrates the diversity and productivity of research within the principles and parameters framework of generative grammar. In combination, the papers in this volume address a rich and varied set of issues in the study of comparative grammar, including the theories of binding, case and government, the parametric effects of inflection, the syntactic properties of infinitival constructions, the analysis of expletives and of clitics, and the interpretation of anaphoric properties at the level of Logical Form. The collection employs several different research strategies, ranging from a broad survey of related constructions in a wide range of languages to the close analysis of an unusual construction in a single language and its consequences for the theory of Universal Grammar. Some of the papers collected here are commentaries on others, or responses to commentaries.
- Introduction
- R. Freidin. The Role of the Antecedent in Anaphoric Relations
- L. Burzio. Inflection and Parametric Variation: Portuguese vs. Spanish
- A.C. Quicoli. PRO and pro: Comments on Quicolo
- K. Safir. Inflection and Empty Categories: Response to Safir's Comments
- A.C. Quicoli. Experiencers and Raising Verbs
- E. Torrego. NP-Movement and `Restructuring'
- J. Kornfilt. Some Other Possible Cases of Nonlocal Dependencies: Comments on the Paper by Jaklin Kornfilt
- W. Harbert. Case and Expletives: Notes Toward a Parametric Account
- H. Lasnik. Notes on Case and Expletives: A Discussion of Lasnik's Paper
- L. Travis. `Long' WH- Movements and Referentiality
- G. Cinque. On the Characterization and Effects of D-Linking: Comments on Cinque
- M.R. Baltin. Determiner Clitic Placement
- J. Uriagereka. Head Movement, Cliticization, Precompilation, and Word Insertion (Comments on Uriagereka's Paper)
- C.P. Otero. A Brief Response
- J. Uriagereka. Two Cases of Logical Relations: Bound Pronouns and Anaphoric Relations
- J. Aoun, Y.-H.A. Li. Remarks on Linguistic Scope: Comments on Aoun and Li's Paper
- E. Williams. Index.
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