Geological map of Tenmondai Rock
compiled by K. Shiraishi, Y. Hiroi and K. Moriwaki
(Antarctic geological map series, sheet 19)
National Institute of Polar Research, 1985
Cartographic Material(Map)
Tenmondai Rock
Tenmondai Rock = 天文台岩 : 1:25,000 (approx. 1:10,000)
Scale 1:25,000
Inset: Approx. 1:10,000 map
Legend in English and Japanese
Accompanied by a book entitled : Explanatory text of geological map of Tenmondai Rock, Antarctica / by Kazuyuki Shiraishi, Yoshikuni Hiroi, Kiichi Moriwaki, Kiyotaka Sasaki and Hitoshi Onuki
Series no. from the explanatory text
National Institute of Polar Research