'The book has been extensively revised to take account of recent legislation in education, health and social services, and includes a new chapter on children's rights. It brings together the views of many of the most prominent and well-respected figures in the early years sector' - Nursery World
Reflecting the work of the Early Childhood Unit at the National Children's Bureau,this book takes a multidisciplinary approach to work with young children, and looks at the interplay between policy, research and practice. Its central themes are equality of opportunity for all children, and access to good quality services that meet their individual needs.
Introduction - Gillian Pugh
A Policy for Early Childhood Services? - Gillian Pugh
Perspectives from Europe - Peter Moss
Defining, Measuring and Supporting Quality - Peter Elfer and Dorothy Wedge
Respecting the Right of Children to Be Heard - Gerison Lansdown
Curriculum in the Early Years - Tricia David
Observing and Assessing Young Children - Mary Jane Drummond and Cathy Nutbrown
Why Understanding Cultural Differences Is Not Enough - Iram Siraj-Blatchford
Meeting Special Needs in the Early Years - Sheila Wolfendale and Janine Wooster
Quality for the Under-Threes - Dorothy Selleck and Sue Griffin
Working as a Team - Margy Whalley
Working with Parents - John Rennie
Training to Work in the Early Years - Denise Hevey and Audrey Curtis
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