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The EPDIC-5 Proceedings present the latest papers in this successful series of European Conferences on Powder Diffraction. They demonstrate the evergrowing interest from materials scientists, physicists, chemists, geologists - both industrial and academic- all having a direct interest in the practical application of this powerful and non-destructive method of analysis.
Part 1 comprises some 75 contributions, with sections on Methodological Developments, Development of Instruments and Techniques, Software, Synchrotron and Neutron Diffraction describing the latest ideas in these fields. Subjects such as Microstructure of Materials, Texture, Quantitative Phase Analysis and Crystal Structure Determination are also addressed; as in previous editions of these conference proceedings. An important step forward in materials analysis is now occurring: scientists and engineers are becoming more and more conscious of the fact that, by using these techniques, it is possible to obtain quantitative information from the same set of measurements, of material characteristics, that determine material properties. This advance has been made possible thanks to recent instrumental developments, such as the X-ray lens -a bundle of glass capillaries- and single or double X-ray mirrors. A very useful tool, that is extensively applied -as described in a sequence of some 15 contributions-, is the in-situ (i.e. time resolved) powder diffraction technique which has resulted from the ample availability of position sensitive detectors.
X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Highly-Condensed Matter
Solution of Flexible Structures from Powder Diffraction Data Using a Simulated Annealing Technique
Weighting Scheme for the Minimization Function in Rietveld Refinement and the Accuracy of Structural Parameters
Phasing Crystal Structures from Powder Data: About the Use of the Harker Sections
Crystal Structure Solution from Powder Diffraction Data by the Monte Carlo Method
The Influence of User-Selected Models on the Results of the Rietveld Refinement of the LaOCl Structure
Structure Solution from Powder Diffraction Data: Improvement of the Variances of the Extracted Integrated Intensities
A New Method for High Accuracy QPA on Highly Textured Samples
Mean-Normalised-Intensity (MNI) Method for X-Ray Powder Diffraction Phase Composition Analysis
External Standard Method in Quantitative Analysis of Bimetallic Clusters (Supported Catalysts)
Avoiding Surface and Absorption Effects in XRD Quantitative Phase Analysis
Calculated Curves for Quantitative Powder Diffraction Analysis in Binary Mixtures, Based on Calculated Diffractograms by the Rietveld Method
Quantitative Analysis of Silicate Glass in Ceramic Materials by the Rietveld Method
The Full-Pattern Reference Intensity Ratio Method in Quantitative Phase Analysis
On the Generalized Debye Scattering Equation
Simultaneous Analysis of the Small- and Wide-Angle Scattering from Nanometric SiC Based on the ab initio Pattern Simulation
Powder Diffraction of Small Palladium Crystallites
Profile Analysis in Asymmetric Powder Diffraction with Parallel Beam Geometry and Curved Position Sensitive Detector
Mg3IrH~5, Another Example of Hydrogen Induced Anisotropic Line Broadening Due to Microtwinning
Adaptation of the Rietveld Method to the Characterization of the Lamellar Microstructure of Polymers
Structural Studies of Bulk Pyrocarbons by Oriented Powder Methods (Experiment and Modelisation)
XRD Profile Analysis of Clay Minerals
A Method to Determine the Volume Fraction of a Separate Component in a Diffracting Volume
Strain Broadening Caused by Dislocations
Multilayer Structures: A Comparison of Results from XRD and from Structure Imaging Techniques
New Possibilities of X-Ray Diffraction Methods in Structure Investigations of Multilayer Materials
Use of Sliding-Window Fourier Transform in the Analysis of X-Ray Reflectivity Data
A Computer Program for Structural Refinement from Thin Film XRD Patterns
Texture Models in Powder Diffraction Analysis
Implications of Texture on Powder Diffraction - Three-Dimensional Powder Diffraction -
Mapping in Real and Reciprocal Space
A New Approach for Getting Refined X-Ray Diffraction Patterns by Using X-Ray Diffractometers with Energy Resolving Detectors
X-Ray Optics for Materials Research
Multifiber Polycapillary Collimator for X-Ray Powder Diffraction
Measurements in Parallel-Beam Geometry Achieved by a Goebel Mirror at a Laboratory Source
High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction: Uncertainties in Temperature Measurement and Intensity Limitations
Temperature Distribution at the Sample Surface in High-Temperature XRD Using Infrared Thermography
A New High-Temperature Furnace Chamber
In Situ Heat Treatment Structural Studies with Curved Detector
In Situ X-Ray Diffraction Analyses of Catalytic Reactions and Moderate-Pressure Geological Processes
Standard Reference Materials for the Measurement of Instrument Resolution Functions: Effect of Transparency
Toward EXPO: From the Powder Pattern to the Crystal Structure
Solving Crystal Structures from Powder Data: The Use of a Molecular Fragment
Crystal Structure Determination from Powder Diffraction Data by the Application of a Genetic Algorithm
Rietveld Analysis of Disordered Layer Silicates
ZONE - A Program for Analysis of Brillouin Zone Configuration
The Use of Brilliance in Powder Diffraction: Towards High Resolution Kinetic Studies
Development of Curved Image-Plate Techniques for Studies of Powder Diffraction, Liquids and Amorphous Materials
High Resolution Synchrotron Strain Scanning at BM16 at the ESRF
Analysis of Plastic Deformation with Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction: Application to Deformation with a Diamond Anvil Cell
In situ X-Ray Diffraction Method to Study Natural Gas Hydrates
Recent Developments in Powder Diffraction Using Pulsed Neutrons
The Application of Dynamic Characterization to the Melt Texturing of YBa2Cu3O7-
The Use of in-situ Powder Diffraction in the Study of Intercalation and Hydrothermal Reaction Kinetics
Kinetic Study of Conventional Solid-State Synthesis of BaTiO3 by in situ HT-XRD
Thermal Expansion of C3S and Mg-Doped Alite
Thermal Expansion of Chromites and Zinc Spinels
Phase Transition of Iron Oxide at High Temperature
Time-and Temperature Resolved X-Ray Diffraction: The Nitridation of a Mixture Nb2O5/Fe2O3 with Ammonia
An in situ Diffraction Study of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System
Hydrothermal Transformation of Microporous Lithium Zinc Phosphates: A Kinetic Study Using in situ Synchrotron Radiation Powder Diffraction
Kinetics of Hydrothermal Synthesis of Li-A(BW) from Metakaolinite by Time Resolved Synchrotron Diffraction
Dehydroxylation Kinetics of Muscovite-2M1
Time and Temperature Resolved Studies of Crystallisation of Polymers with Rapid X-Ray Diffraction
Crystalline and Amorphous States in Alloys Zn-Sb and Cd-Sb under High Pressure
High Temperature Grazing Incidence Studies on Aluminium Films
High Temperature X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Phase Formation Process of Iridium Silicide Thin Films
Application of the Distorted-Wave Born Approximation to Interface Characterization in W/Si Multilayer Thin Films
Microstructural Characterization of Nanocrystalline Thin Films by Grazing Incidence Diffraction: Au and Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 (Terfenol-D)
Structure of Reactively Sputtered Ta-N-O Films
Effects of Oxygen Stoichiometry on the Structural Properties of W-Ti-O Thin Films
X-Ray Diffraction Measurements on c-Axis Oriented YBaCuO Thin Films Deposited by Metalorganic Vapour Deposition
Modification of Crystllinity in Poly (Vinylalcohol) Derivatives
The Crystallinity of the Copolymers Based on Acrylic Monomers and Lignosulphonates
Structural Studies of Submicron Grained Copper, Germanium and Silicon
On the Longtime Stability of a Copper Rolling Texture Analysed by Neutron Diffraction Pole Figures
Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction Measurements of Residual Stresses in a Shape Welded Steel Tube
Neutron Diffraction Applied to the Study of Microstructure and Texture of Industrial Magnetic Alnico Material
Structural Changes in High Velocity Oxy-Fuel Sprayed Cr3C2/NiCr 75/25 Coatings after Annealing Treatments
A Systematic Structural Study, Interpretation and Prediciton of Physical Properties for the Hard Magnetic Intermetallic Coumpound RE3T29, Based on Structure-Superstructure Relations ...
Site Exchange in Hexagonal Ce(Ni,Cu)6 Intermetallics
Time-of-Flight Neutron Powder Diffraction Investigation of Tb2Co17-xGax Permanent Magnet Materials
Structural Characteristics of Rare Earth (R = Tb, Ho, Er) Ternary Magnetic Intermetallics RFexAl12-x with Iron Concentrations x = 6
Magnetic Structure of Tb Substituted LaMn2Si2 Intermetallics
Competing Magnetic Interactions in La0.8Y0.2Mn2Si2
X-Ray Diffraction Study of Nanocrystalline Phases Formation in Metallic Systems
Moessbauer Study of Fe-Powder Mechanically Alloyed by N and C
Mechanism of Pseudo-Boehmite Dehydration: Influence of Reagent Structure and Reaction Kinetics on the Transformation Sequence
Phase Selective Chemical Analysis of Multi-Component Solids by X-Ray Powder Diffraction: On the Composition of -Cordierit-Like Solid Solutions Crystallizing from Non-Stoichiometric Glasses
X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study on the Solubility Limits in the Goethite-Diaspore Solid Solutions
X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study of Solids in the CaO-Al2O3-B2O3 System
Cation Distribution in Ferrites with Spinel Structure Measured by Anomalous Powder Diffraction
Temperature Dependence of the Alpha-Galliumphosphate Structure
Characterization of Sol-Gel Nanoparticles of Magnetoresistive La0.67Ca0.33MnO3+
Evolution of Disordering in SiC under High Pressure High Temperature Conditions: In-situ Powder Diffraction Study
Order-Disorder Structure Formation and Distribution of Lithium Ions in the LiMn2O4/LiFe5O8 Spinel Solid Solutions
XRPD Analysis of Stable and Metastable Magnesium Titanate Phases
XRPD Characterization of Manganese Dioxide for Electrochemical Applications
X-Ray Diffraction Investigation on MoS2 Nanoparticles Produced by CO2 Laser Assisted Synthesis
Crystal Structures and cis trans Transformation in [Pd(NH3)2HaI2]
X-Ray Powder Diffraction of the Strontium Nitroprusside Tetrahydrate at Different Temperatures under 300K: Sample Evolution to a Mixed (Tetra, Di, Mono)-Hydrate Phase
Microstructural Properties of Ta-Doped TiO2 Powders Obtained by Laser Pyrolysis
Structural Characterization of Vanadiumphosphate Catalysts Generated under Ammoxidation Conditions
In situ Studies of the Dehydration of Edingtonite and Brewsterite
X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study on the Hydrothermally Obtained Zinc-Manganese Ferrites
Rietveld Refinement of Two-Phase Zr-Doped Y2O3
Cation Deficiency in Ordered-Vacancy Ternary Sulfides
Cation Partitioning in Mg0.70Fe0.23Al1.97O4 Synthetic Spinels by in situ Neutron Powder Diffraction
Structure Determination of Al0.67Fe0.33PO4: An Example of Convergence of X-Ray Diffraction and Moessbauer Spectroscopy Results
Ab initio Structure Analysis of VO(HPO4)
Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of Fe2OBO3
The Structure of RhMO4, M = Nb, Ta, and Sb
The Structure of Orthorhombic Hafniates by Neutron Powder Diffraction and Perturbed-Angular-Correlation Spectroscopy (PAC)
Structural Study of the Proton Conductor Cs3H(SeO4)2 by High Resolution Neutron Powder Diffraction
Neutron Diffraction Study of Frozen Fe(ClO4)2 Solutions
Neutron Diffraction Studies of AMnO3 Perovskites
Powder Neutron Diffraction Studies of a New Ferrimagnetic Manganese Oxide with a Layered Perovskite Structure: YBaMn2O5
The Cu(II)O4 Tetrahedron in the Akermanite Structure
Crystal Structure of Nd4Cu2O7
Structure and Bonding in Bi2Sn2O7
Structural Aspects of Ferroelectric Phase Transitions in the Complex Metal Oxides A2Sb2O7 (A = Pb, Sr, Ca) with Weberite Structure
Structure Determination and Rietveld Refinement of La(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3
Synchrotron and Conventional X-Ray Rietveld Study of Clouded Plagioclase from Southern Sweden
Discovery of New Minerals Zlatogorite, Turkestanite and Belovite-(La) by Rietveld Refinement from X-Ray Powder Diffraction Data
Structure Analysis of Intercalated Clays Using Combination of Molecular Simulations, Powder Diffraction and IR Spectroscopy
XRPD Study on Cation Location in Na-Rb-Y Zeolite at the ESRF under Carefully Controlled Atmospheres: Vacuum, H2O, NH3
Structure Determination by Neutron Diffraction on Dehydrated Li-SX Zeolite: Evidence for a Low-Temperature Orthorhombic Faujasite
XRD Study of the Stacking Mode in Natural and Hydrated Nacrite
Structural Refinements of Strontium Substituted Hydroxylapatites
Structure-Microstructure Relationships in LiMn2O4 Spinel Phase
X-Ray Diffraction Study of Amorphous Zr-Fe-O System
Quantitative Determination of Crystalline and Amorphous Phase in Traditional Ceramics by Combined Rietveld-RIR Method
Quantitative Phase Analysis of Kaolinite / Quartz Mixtures - Statistical Evaluation of Different Sample Preparation Techniques -
The Role of Powder X-Ray Diffraction in the Cement Industry: Recent Advances and Future Developments
Chemical Analysis via Non Destructive XRPD on "Green Stone" Artifacts
Neutron Diffraction Investigation of Effects Induced in Materials by High-Current Pulsed Electron Beam Irradiation
Nanocrystalline Structure of the Metastable Ball-Milled Inverse Spinel-Ferrites
Quantitative Analysis of XRD and SAXS Patterns: Determination of the Mineralogy and Microstructure of Ca-Interstratified Clays
X-Ray Powder Structural and Microstructural Study of Nanocrystalline Copper Oxide
Microstructural Study of Nanocrystalline CeO2 by X-Ray Powder Diffraction and High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
Allowance for Anisotropic Line Broadening in the Crystal Structure Solution of [Pd(NH3)4][Pd(C2O4)2]
Structural Characterization of Cu Metallic Clusters in Amorphous SiO2 by Synchrotron Radiation Grazing Incidence X-Ray Scattering and Diffraction
The Molecular Goldsmith: From Silver Threads to Silver Rings
Crystalchemistry of Organic Sulfonates Used as Cement Additives
Powder Diffraction Data for Some Salts of Aconitic Acid
Studies of the Crystalline Forms of Bis(Glycinato)Copper(II)
Anisotropy of the Intermolecular Interactions from the Study of the Thermal-Expansion Tensor
Lamellar Disorder in n-Alkanes and Their Binary Mixtures Studied by X-Ray Powder Diffraction
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