Manual of Malayan silviculture for inland forest
by J. Wyatt-Smith with a chapter on soils by W.P. Panton
(Malayan forest records, no. 23)
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, c1995
2nd ed
v. 1MYS||MFR||n.d.-27||Malaysia190000066080,
v. 1634.95||W975m||100226377,
名古屋大学 生命農学 図書室 農木材物理 v. 1653.2||M||(1)41210709, "This work stems from Malayan research pamphlet no. 14, 'A manual of Malayan silviculture for inland lowland forest' by R.C. Barnard." "This book is part of a project funded by the Overseas Development Administration (ODA) and the Forest Research Institute Malaysia" -- T.p. verso
Longman , Forest Research Institute Malaysia
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