This is the condensed version of Human Embryology 2E by William J Larsen. This concise textbook provides detailed coverage of the concepts and principles that underlie human development. The book meets the needs of medical students in gross anatomy and embryology courses and provides a view of exciting applications that are currently in use or are on the horizon.
GAMETOGENESIS, FERTILIZATION, And the FIRST WEEK: Origin of the Germ Line, Meiosis, Gametogenesisin the Male and Female, the Menstrual Cycle, Fertilization, Cleavage the SECOND WEEK: Development of the Bilaminar Germ Disc and Establishment of the Uteroplacental Circulation the THIRD WEEK: Gastrulation, Formation of the Trilaminar Germ Disc, And Initial Development of the Somites and Neural Tube the FOURTH WEEK: Differentiation of the Somites and the Nervous System, Segmental Development and Integration DEVELOPMENT of the PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Integration of the Developing Nervous System, Innervation of Motor and Sensory End Organs EMBRYONIC FOLDING: Folding of the Embryo and Formation of the Body Cavities and Mesenteries: Development of the Lungs DEVELOPMENT of the HEART: Formation and Folding of the Primitive Heart Tube: Morphogenesis of the Heart Chambers and Valves, Development of the Cardiac Conduction System DEVELOPMENT of the VASCULATURE: Vasculogenesis, Development of the Aortic Arches and Great Arteries, Development of the Vitelline, Umbilical, And Cardinal Venous Systems, Development of the Coronary Circulation, Circulatory Changes at Birth DEVELOPMENT of the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT: Development of the Stomach, Liver, Digestive Glands, And Spleen, Organization of the Mesenteries, Folding and Rotation of the Midgut, Septation of the Cloaca and Formation of the Anus DEVELOPMENT of the UROGENITAL SYSTEM: Development of the Cervical Nepphrotomes, Mesonephric and Metanephric Kidneys, And Urogenital Duct Systems, Development of the Gonads and Genitalia DEVELOPMENT of the LIMBS: Development of the Limb Buds, Functions of the Apical Ectodermal Ridges and Mesodermal Core, Formation of the Hand and Foot Plates, Development of the Appendicular Skeleton and Musculature DEVELOPMENT of the HEAD, The NECK and the EYES and EARS DEVELOPMENT of the BRAIN and CRANIAL NERVES: Development of the Subdivisions of the Brain, Organization O F the Cranial Nerves and Their Nuclei and Ganglia, Cytodifferentiation in the Brain, Development of the Ventricular System DEVELOPMENT of the INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM: Development of the Skin, Hair, Epidermal Glands, Nails, And Teeth FETAL DEVELOPMENT and the FETUS as PATIENT: the Fetal Period, Development and Functioning of the Placenta, Teratogenesis and Fetal Infections, Fetal Diagnosis, Fetal Surgery, And Gene Therapy
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