This collection of essays, largely written by members of the Oxford theological community, was presented to John Ashton on his 65th birthday in 1996. The essays deal with Elijah in Mark, a Q passion narrative, the Gospel thief saying, Johns Beloved Disciple, the temple incident (Jn 2.13-25) and history and theology. Outside of the Gospels, they discuss Gods wrath in Romans 1, Philippians 1.1-11, Hebrews 4.13, Peter and Paul behind Revelation, and hermeneutical method. Specialists from outside the New Testament field contribute studies of the patristic doctrine of Scripture, the Syriac Diatessaron, William Tyndale, the theology of the resurrection and the Byzantine understanding of John. John Ashton was, before his retirement, Lecturer in New Testament and Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford.
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