Papers written in honor of Professor Lee M. Hollander, five of which were first presented at the 6th Germanic languages symposium held at the University of Texas, Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 1964
Includes bibliographical references
On translating from the Scandinavian / by E. Haugen
Fact and fancy in the Vinland sagas / by E. Wahlgren
Some observations on the influence of Tristrams saga ok Ísöndar on Old Icelandic literature / by P. Schach
The heroic pattern : old Germanic helmets, Beowulf, and Grettis saga / by A.M. Arent
A contribution to the interpretation of skaldic poetry : tmesis / by K. Reichardt
On reflections of Germanic legal terminology and situations in the Edda / by W.P. Lehmann
Fertility of beast and soil in Old Norse literature / by E.O.G. Turvill-Petre
Some comments on Voļuspá, stanzas 17-18 / by E.C. Polomé
Appendix A. Lee M. Hollander : a biographical sketch
Appendix B. Lee M. Hollander : a chronological bibliography