Here is a book that anyone interested in how the brain works will find fascinating and enjoyable. Written in a highly readable style, the book looks at how the damaged brain can be repaired and reconstructed. The key to neuroscience's most exciting discoveries to date is the theory that is rapidly gaining adherents in the scientific community - the theory of neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity stresses that cells throughout the brain can not only regenerate, but can adapt their function to assume critical roles once performed by damaged tissue. The author explains how the brain manufactures complex chemicals that foster growth in damaged brain cells, and how misguided ideas can adversely affect how physicians treat patients. A best-selling volume in France and Spain, Brain Repair provides a vividly written, wide-ranging look at the leading edge of one of science's most exciting frontiers.
1: How the brain functions: A brief chronology of a long history. 2: Looking into the living brain. 3: Neuronal and synaptic plasticity: Neurons at work. 4: Regeneration, repair and reorganization. 5: Factors in the brain that enhance growth and repair. 6: Age, time, and plasticity. 7: Brain transplants as therapy for brain injuries. 8: The pharmacology of brain injury repair. 9: Environment, brain function and brain repair. 10: Where do we go from here?
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