A cappella choral works
György Ligeti
(György Ligeti edition, 2)
Sony Classical, p1997
Sung in Hungarian (1st-7th, 9th-12th, 14th-19th), Latin (8th) or German (13th)
Title on spine of container: ア・カペラ合唱作品集
London Sinfonietta Voices ; Terry Edwards, conductor
Recorded at Evangelische Kirche Isselhorst, Gutersloh, Germany on April 21-26, 1994
Accompanied pamphlet contains program notes and texts with Japanese translaton?
Compact disc
Program notes in Japanese translation
Texts in Hungarian, Latin and German with Japanese translations
Sony Classical: SRCR 1993
Sony Classical p1997-
録音資料(音楽) (CD)