Allen Davenport, a key figure linking Chartism with the French Revolution, was an important propagandist for agrarian reform, a critical follower of Robert Owen, one of the first male supporters of the feminist causes and birth control and a leading member of the revolutionary underground movement in Regency London. He was a prolific author, political journalist and poet. His autobiography, published in 1845, has long been presumed lost - historians have had to make do with tantalising fragments from contemporary reviews. When a copy was found in Nashville in 1982 it was immediately recognised as a unique source of information about nineteenth-century popular politics. Scolar Press is now reprinting the complete text with editorial apparatus and supplemented by a careful selection of Davenport's other writing by Dr Malcolm Chase. The Life and Literary Pursuits of Allen Davenport thus gives a unique insight into the cultural and political life of England in the crowded years between Peterloo and Chartism.
- Contents: Introduction
- The Life and Literary Pursuits of Allen Davenport
- Editorial afterword
- A further selection from the works of Allen Davenport: The Devil Out-Devilled
- To the editor of the Political Register
- The Kings, or Legitimacy Unmasked
- Queen of the Isles
- London
- The Co-operator's Catechism
- The Working Classes Come to Their Senses
- Property in Danger
- Simultaneous Meetings
- Universal Suffrage
- The English Institutions, An Educational Poem
- The Origin of Man and the Progress of Society
- The Land, the People's Farm
- Further reading and bibliography of secondary literature
- Index.
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