- Volume
: hbk ISBN 9780262112307
For years, the world saw the Internet as a creature of the US Department of Defence. Now some claim that the Internet is a self-governing organism controlled by no one and needing no oversight. Although the National Science Foundation and other government agencies continue to support and oversee critical administrative and co-ordinating functions, the Internet is remarkably decentralized and uninstitutionalized. As it grows in scope, bandwidth, and functionality, the Internet will require greater coordination, but it is not yet clear what kind of coordinating mechanisms will evolve. The essays in this volume clarify these issues and suggest possible models for governing the Internet. The topics addressed range from settlements and statistics collection to the sprawling problem of domain names, which affects the commercial interests of millions of companies around the world. One recurrent theme is the inseparability of technical and policy issues in any discussion involving the Internet.
Table of Contents
- Part 1 The problem of Internet governance: The self-governing Internet - coordination by design, Sharon Eisner Guillett, Mitchell Kapor
- Governance of the Internet - a UK perspective, Mark Gould
- And how shall the Net be governed? a meditation on the relative virtues of decentralized, emergent law, David R. Johnson, David G. Post
- Factors shaping Internet self-governance, A.M. Rutkowski. Part 2 Domain names: Internet domain names - whose domain is this? Robert Shaw
- 'Domain-ia' - the growing tension between the domain name system and trademark law, Alexander Gigante
- Trademark disputes in the assignment of domain names, carl Oppedahl
- Network solutions and domain name disputes - a reply to Carl Oppedahl
- registering the domain name system - an exercise in global decision-making, William A. Foster
- Addressing and the future of communications competition - lessons from telephony and the Internet, Ashley Andeen, John Leslie King
- In whose domain? name service in adolescence, Don Mitchell et al. Part 3 Financial incentives for route aggregation and efficient address utilization in the Internet, Yakov rekhter et al
- Address administration in IPv6, Eric Hoffman, K. Claffy. Part 4 Interconnections and settlements: Scalable Internet interconnection agreements and integrated services, Joseph Bailey, Lee McKnight
- Internet exchanges - policy-driven evolution, Bilal Chinoy, Timothy J. Salo
- Interconnection, pricing, and settlements - some healthy jostling in the growth of the Internet, Richard A. Cawley
- Settlement systems for the Internet, Maria Farnon, Scott Huddle
- The Hong Kong Internet exchange - the economics, evolution, and connectivity of Asian Internet infrastructure, Milton Mueller et al. Part 5 Service quality: IP performance metrics, Guy T. Almes
- Cooperation in Internet data acquisition and analysis, Tracie Monk, K. Claffy.
- Volume
: pbk ISBN 9780262611367
For years, the world saw the Internet as a creature of theU.S. Department of Defense. Now some claim that the Internet is aself-governing organism controlled by no one and needing nooversight. Although the National Science Foundation and othergovernment agencies continue to support and oversee criticaladministrative and coordinating functions, the Internet is remarkablydecentralized and uninstitutionalized. As it grows in scope,bandwidth, and functionality, the Internet will require greatercoordination, but it is not yet clear what kind of coordinatingmechanisms will evolve. The essays in this volume clarify these issues and suggest possiblemodels for governing the Internet. The topics addressed range fromsettlements and statistics collection to the sprawling problem ofdomain names, which affects the commercial interests of millions ofcompanies around the world. One recurrent theme is the inseparabilityof technical and policy issues in any discussion involving theInternet.ContributorsGuy Almes, Ashley Andeen, Joseph P. Bailey, Steven M. Bellovin, ScottBradner, Richard Cawley, Che-Hoo Cheng, Bilal Chinoy, K Claffy, MariaFarnon, William Foster, Alexander Gigante, Sharon Eisner Gillett, MarkGould, Eric Hoffman, Scott Huddle, Joseph Y. Hui, David R. Johnson, Mitchell Kapor, John Lesley King, Lee W. McKnight, Don Mitchell, Tracie Monk, Milton Mueller, Carl Oppedahl, David G.Post, YakovRekhter, Paul Resnick, A. M. Rutkowski, Timothy J. Salo, PhilipL. Sbarbaro, Robert Shaw. A publication of the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project
Table of Contents
- Part 1 The problem of Internet governance: The self-governing Internet - coordination by design, Sharon Eisner Guillett, Mitchell Kapor
- Governance of the Internet - a UK perspective, Mark Gould
- And how shall the Net be governed? a meditation on the relative virtues of decentralized, emergent law, David R. Johnson, David G. Post
- Factors shaping Internet self-governance, A.M. Rutkowski. Part 2 Domain names: Internet domain names - whose domain is this? Robert Shaw
- 'Domain-ia' - the growing tension between the domain name system and trademark law, Alexander Gigante
- Trademark disputes in the assignment of domain names, carl Oppedahl
- Network solutions and domain name disputes - a reply to Carl Oppedahl
- registering the domain name system - an exercise in global decision-making, William A. Foster
- Addressing and the future of communications competition - lessons from telephony and the Internet, Ashley Andeen, John Leslie King
- In whose domain? name service in adolescence, Don Mitchell et al. Part 3 Financial incentives for route aggregation and efficient address utilization in the Internet, Yakov rekhter et al
- Address administration in IPv6, Eric Hoffman, K. Claffy. Part 4 Interconnections and settlements: Scalable Internet interconnection agreements and integrated services, Joseph Bailey, Lee McKnight
- Internet exchanges - policy-driven evolution, Bilal Chinoy, Timothy J. Salo
- Interconnection, pricing, and settlements - some healthy jostling in the growth of the Internet, Richard A. Cawley
- Settlement systems for the Internet, Maria Farnon, Scott Huddle
- The Hong Kong Internet exchange - the economics, evolution, and connectivity of Asian Internet infrastructure, Milton Mueller et al. Part 5 Service quality: IP performance metrics, Guy T. Almes
- Cooperation in Internet data acquisition and analysis, Tracie Monk, K. Claffy.
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