Thai and English
Cover title
"Thanākhān ʿĒchia Čhamkat čhatphim thūnklaothūnkramǭmthawāi nư̄ang nai warōkāt mahāmongkhon chalœ̄m phrachonmaphansā 5 rǭp, 12 Singhākhom Phutthasakkarāt 2535 = The Bank of Asia Ltd. presents this publication to H.M. Queen on the auspicious occasion of her 60th birthday anniversary, 12th August 1992"--Colophon
Issued in case
Summary: On history and activities of the Foundation for the Promotion of Supplementary Occupations and Related Techniques under the royal patronage; volume commemorating the 60th birthday anniversary of Sirikit, Queen, consort of Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand, b. 1932; includes her biography