The teaching of reading
prepared by the Society's Committee on Reading ; assisted by members of the Society and others ; edited by Guy Montrose Whipple
(Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education, 36th,
Distributed by the Department of Education, the University of Chicago Press, 1937
2nd report370.5||Y1||36-168012456
2nd report370.59||Y 69||36-144397
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名古屋大学 教育発達科学 図書室 教育洋書 36-1370.5||Yea||36-140131450
2nd report370.5||NAT69889
2nd report880832403 "This part of the yearbook will be discussed at the New Orleans meeting of the National Society, Saturday, February 20, 1937, 2:00 p.m." Description based on 5th printing (1943)
National Society for the Study of Education , Distributed by the University of Chicago Press
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