The epidemiology of chronic rheumatism : [proceedings of] a symposium organized by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences established under the joint auspices of UNESCo & WHO
by M.R. Jeffrey and J.Ball
Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1963
partial support by grants from the National Institute of Arthritis & Metabolic Diseases and the Arthritis & Rheumatism Foundation edited under the direction of J. H. Kellgren Includes bibliography and index prepared by the Department of Rheumatology and Medical Illustration University of Manchester and Manchester Royal Infirmary and the Empire Rheumatism Council's Field Unit
Blackwell Scientific Publications
The epidemiology of chronic rheumatism : [proceedings of] a symposium organized by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences established under the joint auspices of UNESCo & WHO / by M.R. Jeffrey and J.Ball
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