Text ( visual ) : unmediated The punishment and forgiveness of sins and the Baptism of little ones ; The spirit and the letter ; Nature and grace ; The perfection of human righteousness ; The deeds of Pelagius ; The grace of Christ and original sin ; The nature and origin of the soul / introduction, translation and notes, Roland J. Teske ; editor, John E. Rotelle. -- Hyde Park, N.Y. : New City Press , c1997. -- 632 p. ; 24 cm. -- (The works of Saint Augustine : a translation for the 21st century / translation and notes, Edmund Hill ; editor, John E. Rotelle ; pt. 1 ; Books ; v. 23 . Answer to the Pelagians). -- Includes indexes. -- ISBN 1565480929 ; (BA32808942) ; https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA32808942 Other Title(s): Answer to the Pelagians. -- Author Heading(s): Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo ; Teske, Roland J. ; Rotelle, John E.. -- Classification(s): LCC : BR65.A5 ; DC20 : 270.2. -- Subject Heading(s): LCSH : Theology -- Early church, ca. 30-600