A network connection can provide a window to the world of information, where data and programs can be exchanged with many other users. Styles of virtual and multimedia information are now being developed that will become an integral part of these interactions. This volume covers this area, discussing techniques and applications of using 3-D and multimedia on the Internet. The text reveals exactly what is happening in the interactive world of networked computers. Subjects such as computer graphics, multimedia, virtual reality and the Internet have exploded into massive individual means of study and research, with new products and subjects emerging almost daily. The Internet has transformed the way we work, and as interactivity replaces passive modalities, new software tools are required to support such activities. This work explores this interactive world, discussing such developments as VRML, Java, HotJava, Dreamscape, and other virtual and multimedia information.
Overview: P. Cochrane, I See and Remember. B. Kelly, Beyond Browsing and Authoring: Future Developments on the Web. Tools for World Wide Web Applications: H. Thimbleby, 3D Creativity for Web Backgrounds. J. Beall, A. Doppelt, and J.F. Hughes, Developing an Interactive Illustration: Using Java and the Web to Make it Worthwhile. P. Macer, P.J. Thomas, From Video Sequence to Comic Strip: Summarizing Video for Faster WWW Access. A. Ellens and J.R. van Ossenbbruggen, Animating the Web: An SGML-Based Approach. J.A. Waterworth, Personal Spaces: 3D Spatial Worlds for Information Exploration. J. White, D. Klaphaak, and T. Meyer, Using Java and Open Inventor to Rapid Prototype 3D Worlds. Virtual Worlds: S. Whalley, Using Virtual Worlds over Public Networks. J. Morphett, Presence in Absence: Asynchronous Communication in Virtual Environments. J.M.S. Dias, R. Galli, P. Palmer, and J.M. Rebordao. Visualization on World Wide Web and Networks: R.A. Earnshaw, N. Chilton, and I.J. Palmer, Visualization and Virtual Reality on the Internet. M. Jern, Information Visualization Enables Interaction with Large Datasets via the Internet. J. Walton, World Data Sharing with VRML. Multimedia: S. Powers and D. Sheat, AMI-The Advanced Multimedia Interface. W. Lamotte, P. Van Reeth, E. Flerackers, and R.A. Earnshaw, Exploiting ATM Technology in the Implementation of Networked Multimedia Applications. Publishing and the Internet: I. Ritchie, Commercial Publishing on the Internet. D. Reed and P.J. Thomas, From E-Journal to Me-Journal: A Case Study of the Development of an Online, Personalized, Electronic Journal Support Site. Education and Training: C.P. Pickles and R.A. Earnshaw, Educational Materials on the Net: Achievements and Potential.
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