ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport
Karl Lennartz, Stephan Wassong, Thomas Zawadzki (eds.)
Academia 2007 1. Aulf ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 13/2
Manfred Lämmer, Evelyn Mertin, Thierry Terret (eds.)
Academia 2007 1. Aufl ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 13/1
Gigliola Gori, Thierry Terret (eds.)
Academia 2005 1. Aulf ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 12
Jean-Michel Delaplace, Sylvain Villaret, William Chameyrat (Eds.)
Academia 2004 1. Aufl ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 10
Gertrud Pfister (Ed.)
Academia 2004 1. Aufl ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 9
Hideaki Okubo (ed.)
Academia 2004 1. Aufl ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 11
[Jürgen Buschmann, Gertrud Pfister (Hrsg.)]
Academia Verlag 2001 1. Aufl ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 8
Gertrud Pfister (hrsg.)
Academia 1999 1. Aufl ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 5
Thierry Terret (ed.)
Academia 1999 1. Aufl ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 7
Gertrud Pfister, Liu Yueye (eds.)
Academia 1999 1. Aufl ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 6
André Gounot, Toni Niewerth, Gertrud Pfister (hrsg.)
1. Aufl
ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport
v. 2 . Proceedings of the 2nd ISHPES Congress Games of the World - the World of Games,
Gertrud Pfister, Toni Niewerth, Gerd Steins (hrsg.)
1. Aufl
ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport
v. 1 . Proceedings of the 2nd ISHPES Congress Games of the World - the World of Games,
Floris van der Merwe (ed.) ; with the assistance of Michael Salter...[et al.]
Academia 1996 1. Aufl ISHPES-studies : publications of the International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport v. 4