The topics covered in this volume include formation of fractal structures (kinetics of aggregation and gelation, depositions, cluster growth, chemical reactions, fractures, self-organized criticality, etc.) physical properties of fractals (transport, vibrations, magnetism, etc.), and especially applications of fractal concepts in materials science, geosciences, biological sciences and order fields.
- Fluctuation phenomena and evolution in noncoding DNA, H.E. Stanley et al
- dynamical model for virus spread, G. Camelo-Neto and S. Coutinho
- mass multifractal characterization of blood vessel systems, F. Jestczemski and M. Sernetz
- from fractal drums to nuclear magnetic relaxation in irregular or fractal pores, B. Sapoval
- distributions of structural properties for percolation clusters, J.-P. Hovi and A. Aharony
- critical behaviour of two-dimensional foams, K. Kawasaki and T. Okuzono
- territory covered by N diffusing species, S. Havlin
- fractal limit distributions in random transports, H. Takayasu et al
- calculation of the power law index for a time series by means of its fractal dimension, S. Yasue et al
- fractal image analysis of natural scenes and medical images, T. Sato et al
- scaling in simple traffic models, J. Kertesz
- the electric properties of sintered cermet as a continuum percolation medium, K. Yoshida
- numerical simulation of critical exponents of a two-dimensional continuum percolation system, A. Okazaki et al
- critical exponent in three-dimensional continuum percolation problem in a randomly packed system with steel balls, K. Maruyama et al
- water erosion on fractal surface, R. Li et al
- an interface obtained by collosion on two independent rough surfaces - invation by burning of the paper, Y. Ueno et al
- fractal dimensions of eruptions of Sakurajima volcano, T. Tanaka et al
- domain walls in the transverse field using spin glasses, M.S. Li and M. Cieplak
- self-organizing criticality in 1D traffic flow, T. Nagatani
- scaling behaviour of firm growth, M.H.R. Stanley et al
- and other papers.
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