The "Gest hystoriale" of the destruction of Troy : an alliterative romance translated from Guido de Colonna's "Hystoria Troiana"
now first edited from the unique ms. in the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, with introduction, notes, and a glossary by Geo. A. Panton and David Donaldson
(Early English Text Society original series, 39,
Published for the Early Englsih Text Society by N. Trübner, 1869-1874
Historia destructionis Trojae
pt. 2E306:1D:15-28712099948
pt. 2830.2//E00004315982
pt. 2E160-e4-56100763722659
Doshisha University Library (Imadegawa) [pt. 1]992.3||C9262||1000194329, Nagoya University Library 中央図4F pt. 2938.4Z||Ear||O-5640202758
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