Art criticism and education
Theodore F. Wolff and George Geahigan
(Disciplines in art education)
University of Illinois Press, c1997
: pbk. acid-free paper129701754
: cloth acid-free paper701.18||WT1
大阪公立大学 杉本図書館 図書館 : cloth acid-free paper701//W84//701661100357682
お茶の水女子大学 附属図書館 人間文化 : pbk. acid-free paper701.1||W 8497200206
: pbk. acid-free paper707.9-W8410009020475
東海大学 付属図書館 13 : pbk. acid-free paper701.1||W02051995
: pbk. acid-free paper12010004132 Includes bibliographical references (p. [269]-278) and index (p. [279]-283) 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
University of Illinois Press
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