This book represents the proceedings of the 9th written by a very active group of physicists at Kongsberg seminar, held at the Norwegian Mining the University of Oslo - physicists interested in Museum located in the city of Kongsberg about complex systems in general and geo-like systems 70 km Southwest of Oslo. The Kongsberg district in particular. is known for numerous Permian vein deposits of The content of the book is organized into three native silver, and mining activity in the area lasted major parts following the introductory chapter. for more than 300 years, finally ceasing in 1957. Chapters 2 to 7 primarily treat the role of fluids The previous eight Kongsberg seminars were in specific geological environments, ranging from focused on ore-forming processes and all of these sedimentary basins (Chapters 2-3) to contact were organized by Professor Arne Bj0rlykke, now metamorphic/hydrothermal scenarios (Chapters director of the Norwegian Geological Survey. 4-5) and regional metamorphic settings (Chapters Since process-orientated research tends to break 6-7). The following four chapters (8-11) focus down the traditional barriers between the different on various properties of fluid-rock systems that geological disciplines, this seminar has always are critical in controlling flow and transport been a meeting point for people with a variety through rocks. These include: mineral solubility of geological backgrounds.
Fluid flow and transport in rocks: an overview. Lithological control on fluid flow in sedimentary basins.Polygonal extensional fault systems: a new class of structure formed during the early compaction of shales. Flow and transport during contact metamorphism and hydrothermal activity: examples from the Oslo rift. Porosity and permeability of carbonate rocks during contact metamorphism. The evolution of fluids through the metamorphic cycle. Fluid transport, deformation and metamorphism at depth in a collision zone. Coupled reaction and flow in subduction zones: silica metasomatism in the mantle wedge. Sufrace chemical controls on pore-fluid connectivity in texturally equilibrated materials. Quantification of microscopic porous networks by image analysis and measurements of permeability in the Soultz-sous-Forets granite (Alsace, France). Network topology and homogenization of fractrued rocks. Fractal structures in secondary migration. Flow along fractures in sedimentary basins. Mid-crustal focused fluid movement: thermal consequences and silica transport. Simulations of one-and two-phase flow in fractures. Transient versus continuous fluid flow in seismically active faults: an investigation by electric analogue and numerical modelling. Flow and focusing of metamorphic fluids.
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