Platero y yo
Crown Classics, p1997
「プラテーロとわたし」 : 作品190 = "Platero y yo" : para narrador y guitarra : op. 190
For narration, soprano and guitar
Narrated in Spanish
Title on booklet: 「プラテーロとわたし」 : 作品190 = "Platero y yo" : para narrador y guitarra : op. 190
Poems by Juan Ramón Jiménez
Teresa J. Berganza, narrator ; Takako Mizuno, soprano ; Kazuhito, Yamashita, guitar
Recorded at Music Hall of Chichibu Myuzupark, 18th-21th October, 1993/CRS♯1 Studio, 25th and 26th June, 1996
Compact discs
Program notes in Japanese
Texts in Spanish and English with Japanese translations
Crown Classics: CRCC-7010--CRCC-7011