The fifth edition of this introductory textbook emphasizes principles with related information on the biology, physiology, morphology and ecology of the major parasites of humans and domestic animals. It uses a balanced approach to all major phyla of parasites.
Introduction to parasitology
basic principles and concepts - parasite ecology and evolution
basic principles and concepts II - immunology and pathology
parasitic protistans - form, function, and classification
kinetoplastida - trypanosomes and their kin
other flagellate protozoa
subphylum sarcodina - amoebas
phylum apicomplexa - gregarines, coccidia and related organisms
phylum apicomplexa - malaria organisms and piroplasms
phylum myxozos and microsporas - protozoa with polar filaments
phylum cillophora - ciliated protistan parasites
phylum mesozoa - pioneers or degenerates? introduction to the phylum platyhelminthes
trematoda - aspidobothrea
trematoda - form, function, and classification of digeneans
digeneans - strigeiformes
digeneans - echinostomatiformes
digeneans - plagiorchiformes and opisthorchiformes
cestoidea - form, function, and classification of the tapeworms
phylum nematoda - form, function, and classification
nematodes - trichurida and dioctophymatida, enoplean parasites
nematodes - rhabditida, pioneering parasites
nematodes - strongylida, bursate rhabditians
nematodes - ascaridia, intestinal large roundworms
nematodes - oxyurid, the pinworms
nematodes - spirurida, a potpourri
nematodes - filaroidea, the filarial worms
nematodes - camallanina, the Guinea worms and others? phylum acanthocephala - thorny-headed worms
phylum pentastomida - tongue worms
phylum arthropoda - form, function, and classification
parasitic crustaceans
parasitic insects - mallophaga and anoplura, the lice
parasitic insects - hemipteran, the bugs
parasitic insects - siphonaptera, the fleas
parasitic insects - dipteral, the flies
parasitic insects - strepsiptera, hymenopteran, and others
parasitic arachnids - subclass acari, the ticks, and mites.