Patrick Humphreys Department of Social Psychology London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE. Email: P. Humphreys@lse. ac. uk This book presents a selection of contributions to the conference on Implementing Systems for Supporting Management Decisions: Concepts, Methods, and Experiences held in London in July, 1996. The conference was organized by the International Federation of Infonnation Processing's Working Group 8. 3 on Decision Support Systems and the London School of Economics and Political Science. (LSE). The Programme Committee for the Conference comprised Liam Bannon, University of Limerick; Patrick Humphreys, LSE, co-chairperson; Andrew McCosh, University of Edinburgh; Piero Migliarese, Politecnico di Milano, co- chairperson; Jean-Charles Pomerol, LAFORIA, Universite Paris VI. The chairperson of the organizing committee was Dina Berkeley, LSE. The programme committee members served also as the editors of this book. Each contribution was selected by the editors after peer review and was developed by its authors specifically for inclusion in this volume. Working group 8.
3 was formally established in 1981 on the recommendation ofIFIP's Technical Committee on Information Systems (TC8). The scope of the working group covers: "Development of approaches for applying information systems technology to increase the effectiveness of decision makers in situations where the computer system can support and enhance human judgment in the perfonnance of tasks that have elements that cannot be specified in advance.
Introduction. Experimentation with Organisation Analyser, a tool for the study of decision making networks in organisations. A software process for management software systems. A management decision support system for allocating housing loans. Misues and nonuse of knowledge-based-systems: the past experiences revisited. The effective use of a decision support tool in the area of strategim marketing management. Information technology in hypointegrated organizations: communication support versus decision support. Individual and organizational effectiveness: perspectives on the impact of ESS in multinational organizations. User-centered DSS design and implementation. Co-decision within cooperative processes: analysis, design and implementation. Using the Internet to implement support for distributed decision. A DSS design method based on organisational change. Change process implementation: a collective analysis and management procedure. Are your business and your IT strategy in phase? Executive information systems development in. Business patterns: reusable abstract constructs for business specification. System for preparing management decisions: a gas pipeline siting case study. Design and testing of a DSS to help reduce bias in judgemental forecasting. Designing and implementing DSS with system dynamics: lessons learned from modeling a global system of mobile communication (GSM) market. Ethical imperatives in decision support systems design. Towards active management information. A case study of EIS development by an experienced EIS developer. Decision support in marketing. Process for managing project uncertainty with contingency planning. Implementation of information technology: issues connected with revision of business processes in transition.
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