Sculptura-historico-technica : or, The history and art of ingraving ... Extracted from Baldinucci, Florent le Comte, Faithorne, the Abcedario pittorico, and other authors
Bibliographic Information
Sculptura-historico-technica : or, The history and art of ingraving ... Extracted from Baldinucci, Florent le Comte, Faithorne, the Abcedario pittorico, and other authors
S. Harding, 1747
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The second edition of a work first published with title: Repertorium sculptile-typicum
Contents of Works
- The rise and progress of ingraving
- Of ingraving in general
- An idea of a fine collection of prints
- The Repertorium; or, Collection of the various marks and cyphers, by which the prints of the best ingravers, &c. are distinguished. With large additions
- Of ingraving, etching, and scraping on copper, as now practised, with cuts to illustrate it