The social benefits of education
Jere R. Behrman and Nevzer Stacey, editors
(The Economics of education)
University of Michigan Press, c1997
: alk. paper372.53/SO130128276
: alk. paper372.53||BEH10447293
: alk. paper370.19||So 197000663
: alk. paper0800357
阪南大学 図書館 図 21000162509
372.53:So-13/HL0710000530401477 Revisions of papers originally commissioned by the Office of Research of the U.S. Dept. of Education and then presented at a conference in Washington, D.C., in January 1995 Includes bibliographical references and index (p. 255-266) 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
The University of Michigan Press
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