- 巻冊次
: hard ISBN 9781860940453
In the first part of this book, classical nonequilibrium statistical mechanics is developed. Starting from the Hamiltonian dynamics of the molecules, it leads through the irreversible kinetic equations to the level of fluid mechanics. For simple systems, all the transport coefficients are determined by the molecular properties.The second part of the book treats complex systems that require a more extensive use of statistical concepts. Such problems, which are at the forefront of research, include: continuous time random walks, non-Markovian diffusion processes, percolation and related critical phenomena, transport on fractal structures, transport and deterministic chaos. These "strange transport processes" differ significantly from the usual (diffusive) transport. Their inclusion in a general treatise on statistical mechanics is a special feature of this invaluable book.
- States, dynamical functions, evolution
- general formalism of statistical mechanics
- reduced distribution functions and correlation functions
- the mean field approximation
- weak coupling kinetic equation
- kinetic equation for dilute gases
- kinetic equation for plasmas
- properties of kinetic equations
- hydrodynamics and tranport
- transport and autocorrelation functions
- random walks and transport
- critical phenomena
- transport on percolation structures
- maps and transport.
- 巻冊次
: pbk ISBN 9781860940460
In the first part of this book, classical nonequilibrium statistical mechanics is developed. Starting from the Hamiltonian dynamics of the molecules, it leads through the irreversible kinetic equations to the level of fluid mechanics. For simple systems, all the transport coefficients are determined by the molecular properties.The second part of the book treats complex systems that require a more extensive use of statistical concepts. Such problems, which are at the forefront of research, include: continuous time random walks, non-Markovian diffusion processes, percolation and related critical phenomena, transport on fractal structures, transport and deterministic chaos. These "strange transport processes" differ significantly from the usual (diffusive) transport. Their inclusion in a general treatise on statistical mechanics is a special feature of this invaluable book.
- States, dynamical functions, evolution
- general formalism of statistical mechanics
- reduced distribution functions and correlation functions
- the mean field approximation
- weak coupling kinetic equation
- kinetic equation for dilute gases
- kinetic equation for plasmas
- properties of kinetic equations
- hydrodynamics and tranport
- transport and autocorrelation functions
- random walks and transport
- critical phenomena
- transport on percolation structures
- maps and transport.
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