A serious proposal to the ladies
Mary Astell ; edited with introduction and notes by Patricia Springborg
(Pickering women's classics)
Pickering & Chatto, 1997
Serious proposal to the ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest
pt. I & II204233356
pt. I & II009705065
pt. I & II/HQ/1596/Ast143500
pt. I & II197K00631
pt. I & IIZ367.233||A9430||1-2WD;0582055572
pt. I & II938/170/1700097645
名古屋大学 附属図書館 中央図1F pt. I & II367.233||Ast41230959
pt. I & IIH0059931*
pt. I & II367.233:A-93/722158511000439699
明治大学 図書館 本 pt. 1 & 2367||660||||D29701143 First work originally published: A serious proposal to the ladies, for the advancement of their true and greatest interest. London : Printed for R. Wilkin, 1694; 2nd work originally published: A serious proposal to the ladies. Part II. London : Printed for R. Wilkin, 1697 Pt. I. London 1694. Pt. II. London 1697 Bibliography: p. [xliii]-lii Includes index 内容説明 目次 「Nielsen BookData」 より
Pickering & Chatto , William Pickering
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