This new edition has been revised in order to enable doctors and other health professionals to manage change and keep up to date with all new health reforms. It provides a concise overview of the latest NHS health reforms and features a new section covering changes and conflicts in the NHS.
Part 1 Theoretical overview: history and structure of the National Health Service
the politics, funding and resources of the National Health Service
management, doctors and the future
purchasing mental health services
financial management
resource management
contracting, quality and marketing in the NHS
National Health Service trusts
medical manpower
management and the multidisciplinary team
relations with agencies outside the National Health Service. Part 2 Changes and conflict: the development of community care policies
the clinical director
the clinician and the clinical team in the community
the managerial environment
managing change
National Health Service reforms - revisited. Part 3 Practical issues: general - audit, measurement of needs, people management, information technology, committee practice, negotiation
personal - time management, stress management - taking the strain, continuing management training, continuing professional development in psychiatry, how to get the job you really want, managing the first day of your consultancy.