Japan : a documentary history
David J. Lu
(An East gate book)
M.E. Sharpe, c1997
大阪公立大学 杉本図書館 図書館
: cloth210//L96//153211700615328
v. 1 : pbk210./L/1000200904,
: clothDS||835||Lu00154453
v. 1 : pbk210.1/LU/11061570,
v. 2 : pbk01004960
v. 1 : pbk952/L96/12007202619,
成蹊大学 図書館 アジ太 v. 2 : pbkJ||5||585019973010
: cloth00480137
: cloth210.1||L96005140330,
: cloth210.1|| ||301800568760
東京学芸大学 附属図書館 日本語教育 : cloth10104912
: cloth952||L926j00203273
: cloth00007888
v. 2 : pbk312.1:L-96/724680323030404479
: cloth210||L96||00430933 "Japan : A Documentary History is being published simultaneously in one clothbound edition, which includes the complete text, and two paperback editions: Vol. I: The Dawn of History to the Late Tokugawa Period, and Vol.II: The Late Tokugawa Period to the Present. The complete table of contents and the complete index appear in all three, and the pagination of the paperbacks is sequential."—Contents Includes bibliographical references and index 内容説明 目次 「Nielsen BookData」 より
M.E. Sharpe
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