Don't let your company kill you!
Open this book at your own risk. It contains ideas that may lead to a profound self-awakening. An introspective journey for those in the trenches of today's modern organizations, Deep Change is a survival manual for finding our own internal leadership power. By helping us learn new ways of thinking and behaving, it shows how we can transform ourselves from victims to powerful agents of change. And for anyone who yearns to be an internally driven leader, to motivate the people around them, and return to a satisfying work life, Deep Change holds the key.
Part One: Deep Change or Slow Death
1. Walking Naked into the Land of Uncertainty
2. Confronting the Deep Change or Slow Death Dilemma
Part Two: Personal Change
3. The Fear of Change
4. The Heroic Journey
5. Finding Vitality
6. Breaking the Logic of Task Pursuit
7. A New Perspective
8. Confronting the Integrity Gap
9. Build the Bridge as You Walk on It
Part Three: Changing the Organization
10. Denying the Need for Change
11. Finding the Source of the Trouble
12. When Success Is the Engine of Failure
13. The Tyranny of Competence
14. The Internally Driven Leader
Part Four: Vision, Risk, and the Creation of Excellence
15. Overcoming Resistance
16. From Manager to Leader
17. Why Risk is Necessary
18. The Transformational Cycle
19. Excellence is a Form of Deviance
20. Confronting the Undiscussable
21. A Vision from Within
22. The Power of One
23. The Power of Many
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