This text provides a comprehensive, theoretically coherent and integrated introduction to the world politics of security, international economics and global public policy issues. It also provides a framework for analyzing and understanding ongoing global change and continuity in the modern era.
- The world of politics: realist, liberalist and communitarian views
- states and the pursuit of interest
- dynamics of state systems - patterns and structures
- the pursuit of co-operation
- opening the state
- an emergent liberal world order?
- regional and global institution-building
- ideas and communities
- continuity and change in political behaviour
- the global political economy: commercial liberalism, merchantilism, and structuralism
- the rise and maintenance of a global economy
- a world divided
- continuity and change in political economy. The broader environment: modernism and eco-wholism
- technological advance and human interaction
- environmental constraints
- continuity and change in political ecology. The complexity of understanding: alternative futures - the clash of perspectives.
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