Quaestionum juris publici libri duo
by Cornelius van Bynkershoek
(The Classics of international law / edited by James Brown Scott, [no. 14])
William S. Hein, 1995
Quaestionum juris publici libri duo : text of 1737
Quaestionum juris publici libri duo : translation
関西大学 図書館 図
v. 1220306087,
v. 110287576,
v. 1329.02/Cla/1496122664,
v. 1329||C76||14-1,
v. 1329.1||C56941253232
: [set]329/471/v.14-11005246, V. 1. The photographic reproduction of the edition of 1737 -- v. 2. The translation by Tenney Frank "Vol. 1. A photographic reproduction of the edition of 1737, with a list of errata, and a portrait of Bynkershoek -- vol. 2. A translation of the text, by Tenney Frank, with an introduction by J. de Louter, and indexes"--Original t.p. Reprint. Originally published: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1930 Includes indexes edited by James Brown Scott
William S. Hein
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