OSA trends in optics and photonics
Optical Society of America
OSA trends in optics and photonics series
Trends in optics and photonics series
editors, Guoquan Zhang, ... [et al.] ; sponsored by Nankai University ; co-sponsored by Optical Society of America, ... [et al.]
Optical Society of America c2005 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 99
editor, Craig Denman, Irina Sorokina ; sponsored by Optical Society of America ; cosponsored by Lasers and Electro-Optics Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE/LEOS)
Optical Society of America c2005 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 98
editor, Gregory J. Quarles ; sponsored by Optical Society of America ; technical cosponsor, IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optics Society
Optical Society of America c2004 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 94
sponsored by APS/Division of Laser Science, IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, OSA-Optical Society of America
Optical Society of America c2004 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 97
sponsored by APS/Division of Laser Science, IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, OSA-Optical Society of America
Optical Society of America c2004 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 96
A , B
sponsored by IEEE/Communications Society, IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optic Society, Optical Society of America
Optical Society of America c2004 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 95
: set , A , B
sponsored by Optical Society of America
Optical Society of America c2003 Postconference ed OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 93
editors, Jesper Mørk and Atul Srivastava ; sponsored by Optical Society of America ; technical cosponsors, IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, IEICE Electronics Society, IEICE Communications Society
Optical Society of America c2003 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 92
sponsores by Optical Society of America ; technical cosponsore, IEEE/Lasers and Electro-optics Society
Optical Society of America c2003 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 91
sponsored by Optical Society of America ; in cooperation with SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering ; International Commission for Optics
Optical Society of America c2003 Postconference ed OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 90
editors, Philippe Delaye ... [et al.] ; sponsored by Société française d'optique ; co-sponsored by Comité belge d'optique ... [et al.]
Optical Society of America c2003 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 87
sponsored by Optical Society of America ; in cooperation with the American Meteorological Society
OSA c2003 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 85
Optical Society of America c2003 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 84
sponsored by Optical Society of America
Optical Society of America c2003 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 82
sponsored by APS/Division of Laser Science, IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, Optical Society of America
Optical Society of America c2003 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 89
Postconference ed , Technical digest CD-ROM
sponsored by IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, Optical Society of America ; in cooperation with Quantum Electronics and Optics Division of European Physical Society , Japanese Quantum Electronics Joint Group
Optical Society of America c2003 Technical digest, postconference ed OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 88
sponsored by IEEE/Communications Society, IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optic Society, Optical Society of America
Optical Society of America c2003 Technical digest postconference ed OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 86
postconference digest
editor, John J. Zayhowski
Optical Society of America c2003 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 83
editors, Joseph N. Mait and Joseph van der Gracht ; sponsored by Optical Society of America ; in cooperation with IEEE/LEOS ... [et al.]
Optical Society of America c2002 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 66
sponsored by IEEE/Communications Society, IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optic Society, Optical Society of America
Optical Society of America c2002 OSA trends in optics and photonics v. 70
: postconference ed. , : Technical Digest (meeting ed.)