Glucosides, non-glucosidal bitter principles, enzymes, putrefaction bases, animal bases, animal acids, the cyanogen compounds, the proteins, the digestion products of proteins
by the editor and the following contributors, Julius Grant ... [et al.]
(Allen's commercial organic analysis : a treatise on the properties, modes of analysis, and proximate analytical examination of the various organic chemicals and products employed in the arts, manufactures, medicine, etc., with concise methods for the detection and estimation of their impurities, adulterations, and products of decomposition, v. 8)
P. Blakiston's Son, 1930
5th ed., rev. and partly rewritten / editor C. Ainsworth Mitchell
Glucosides, non-glucosidal bitter principles
Includes bibliographical references and index
P. Blakiston
5th ed., revised and in part rewritten / editors Samuel S. Sadtler and Elbert C. Lathrop
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