Sermones IV (1455-1463)
a Klaus Reinhardt et Walter Andreas Euler editi
(Nicolai de Cusa opera omnia / iussu et auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Heidelbergensis, ad codicum fidem edita, 19)
In aedibus Felicis Meiner, 1996-2008
Nicolai de Cusa Sermones IV (1455-1463)
愛媛大学 図書館 研
fasc. 0. indices132.4||NI||19(0)0312009135453,
fasc. 3. Sermones 232-245132.42//N//19-3T335661*, OPAC fasc. 1. Sermones 204-216L132.4//N71//786011400778608,
fasc. 0. indices10502071615, fasc. 1. Sermones 204-216132.42/N71/19-121196162882, 金沢大学 附属図書館 中央図書庫 fasc. 1. Sermones 204-216132.42:N639:19-19700-50216-3, fasc. 0. indices189.5:68:19-00004929964, fasc. 7. Sermones 283-293110809907
fasc. 1. Sermones 204-216132.4A/N71n/19(1)0200554947, 学習院大学 図書館 外国語教育研セ fasc. 0. indices132.4A/N71n/19(0)0200554946, fasc. 0. indices哲学/231/40005212008008852, fasc. 0. indicesC||2927||(19-0)200010631147, 近畿大学 中央図書館 中図 fasc. 0. indices10379555,
fasc. 0. indices132.42:O69:19-0000801267, fasc. 1. Sermones 204-216132.4-N 71129601724, fasc. 0. indices132.42||N71||19-00815526,
fasc. 0. indices189/N639o/19-0589009,
fasc. 0. indicesY339386, fasc. 1. Sermones 204-216E132.4/N71/019-00113655499,
Fasc. 0. indicesIII:N-I:9-19-03012286757, fasc. 0. indicesNL:174264850007792, fasc. 0. indicesA:2033:(19-0)4817873070, 東京都立大学 図書館 哲学 fasc. 0. indices132.4/N71o/1910001151381,
fasc. 1. Sermones 204-216132.42:N:3-19:10110571601, fasc. 0. indices132.42||N-5||19:0092203909, fasc. 0. indices132/558/v.191063370,
fasc. 0. indices1300:627:19/I120901634Q, fasc. 1. Sermones 204-216200032, fasc. 1. Sermones 204-216132.4||NIC||19-1,
Fasc. 1. Sermones 204-216132.4||N 71||19-111482048
fasc. 0. indices189.5/N5140580354613, fasc. 0. indices132.4||N71||v.19-0468910,
fasc. 1. Sermones 204-21600440813,
fasc. 0. indices53000485, fasc. 0. indices20900019063, Cover title Fasc. 2 edited by Marc-Aeilko Aris Fasc. 3 edited by Walter Andreas Euler and Harald Schwaetzer Fasc. 4 edited by Isabelle Mandrella and Heide Dorothea Riemann, contributed by Heidi Hein Fasc. 5 edited by Heide Dorothea Riemann, Harald Schwaetzer, Franz-Bernhard Stammkötter Fasc. 6 edited by Heide Dorothea Riemann Fasc. 7 edited by Silvia Donati and Heide Dorothea Riemann Author statement of fasc. 0: ediderunt, Silvia Donati ... [et al.] ; indices contulit, Johannes Leicht Fasc. 1-7: accompanied by each 1 leaflet iussu et auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Heidelbergensis, ad codicum fidem edita
In aedibus F. Meiner
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