This text covers gerontologic concepts and issues, health promotion and common medical-surgical problems associated with this population group. Divided into seven parts, each chapter follows a consistent pedagogical organization, including learning objectives, emergency boxes, patient and family teaching boxes, research boxes, key points and special insights. Fundamental aging theories are highlighted, providing a basis for the biological and psychological aspects of quality nursing care. The text also provides coverage of assessment by identifying normal age-related changes and explaining deviations from normal and abnormal findings.
Introduction to Gerontologic Nursing: Overview of Gerontologic Nursing. Theories of Aging. Legal and Ethical Issues. Geriatric Assessment. Influences on Health and Illness. Cultural Influences. Family Influences. Socioeconomic and Environmental Influences. Special Issues: Nutrition. Sleep and Activity. Intimacy and Sexuality. Safety. Mental Health. Common Psychophysiologic Stressors: Pain. Infection. Cancer. Chronic Illness and Rehabilitation. Loss, Dying and Death. Substance Abuse. Special Interventions: Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests. Pharmacologic Management. Nursing Care of Physiologic and Psychologic Disorders: Cardiovascular Function. Respiratory Function. Endocrine and Liver Function. Respiratory Function. Endocrine and Liver Function. Gastrointestinal Function. Urinary Function. Neurological and Cognitive Function. Integumentary Function. Sensory Function. Musculoskeletal Function. Special Care Settings: Acute Care. Home Care. Long-Term Care.
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