Preface, Irving E. Sigel PART I. FROM EMERGING DISCIPLINE TO ESTABLISHED DISCIPLINE Applied Developmental Science Comes of Age, Celia B. Fisher and John P. Murray Applied Developmental Science in Colleges of Human Ecology and Family and Consumer Sciences, John P. Murray Graduate Education in the Applied Developmental Sciences: History and Background, John W. Hagen PART II. MODELS OF GRADUATE EDUCATION IN APPLIED DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE: PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAMS Doctoral Training in Applied Developmental Psychology: Matching Graduate Education, Student Needs, and Career Opportunities, Tara L. Kuther Applied Developmental Science and Training in Pediatric Psychology, Thomas J. Kenny and Donna Chmielewski Integrating Applied Developmental Science and Clinical Child Psychology, Felicisima C. Serafica and Charles Wenar PART III. MODELS OF GRADUATE EDUCATION IN APPLIED DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE: MULTIDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS Doctoral Education in Applied Child Development, Donald L. Wertlieb and David Henry Feldman Graduate and Postgraduate Education in the Applications of Development Science to Adult Development and Aging, Michael A. Smyer Training Applied Developmental Scientists for Community Outreach: The Michigan State University Model of Integrating Science and Outreach for Children, Youth, and Families, Richard M. Lerner, Charles W. Ostrom, Julia R. Miller, James C. Vortruba, Alexander von Eye, Leah Cox Hoopfer, Patterson A. Terry, Carl S. Taylor, Francisco A. Villarruel, and Marvin H. McKinney PART IV. SPECIAL ISSUES IN APPLIED DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE EDUCATION Applied Developmental Science Training Should Be Grounded in a Social-Cultural Framework, Irving E. Sigel Field Experiences in Applied Developmental Science, George W. Rebok and Anita Miller Sostek Building Successful University-Community Human Service Agency Collaboration, Christina J. Groark and Robert B. McCall Birds of a Feather: Administrative Choices and Issues in Creating a Specialized Applied, Multidisciplinary, Developmental Unit, Robert B. McCall Author Index Subject Index
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