China : microfiche supplement
editor in chief, Glenn W. LaFantasie ; editor, Harriet Dashiell Schwar
(Foreign relations of the United States, 1958-1960, v. 19)(Department of State publication, 10204)
U.S. G.P.O., 1996
Aichi University of Education Library 図
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Kyoto Sangyo University Library : microfiches4N:319.53-FOR+1958-1960826980/BC
京都大学 文学研究科 図書館 現代史 [text]319.53||Un||1||(1958-19)97014954, [text]FM327.73/U5800024863144,
University of Tokyo, Komaba Library アメ : text327.73:U58:'58-'60 v.193710130596, Doshisha University Library (Imadegawa) textA319.53;F481;1958-60:19S19B;9777002438, : textF17950085347,
: microfiches0760358
Hiroshima University Central Library, Interlibrary Loan : microfiches319.53/709796093030403311