Investing in women : progress and prospects for the World Bank
Mayra Buvinić, Catherine Gwin, and Lisa M. Bates
(Policy essay, no. 19)
Published by the Overseas Development Council in cooperation with the International Center for Research on Women , Distributed by the Johns Hopkins University Press, c1996
: pbk333.6/B97/2994001209
: pbkF367.2/B10014448
: pbkW1/338.900/BuvC971003820
: pbk00474356
: pbk367.2|| ||303800570496
名古屋大学 理学 図書室 理数理 : pbkBUV||5||1||3573141183719
: pbkC||396||I20000018178 Includes bibliographical references (p. 80-84) 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
Overseas Development Council
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