This revised edition presents comprehensive coverage of this discipline, with a strong research base and a student-oriented approach. Difficult technical topics such as neuroanatomy, neuropsychology and genetics have been simplified in this edition, and anecdotes, metaphors and case studies are included. 500 new references have been added, and the chapter on emotion, stress and mental illness has been thoroughly revised. These three topics have now been closely interwoven, emphasizing the health consequences of stress and its related emotional states.
- Biopsychology as a neuroscience
- evolution, genetics and experience - asking the right questions about the biology of behaviour
- the anatomy of the nervous system
- neural conduction and synaptic transmission
- what biopsychologists do
- the resaerch methods of biopsychology
- human brain damage and animal models
- the visual system - from eye to cortex
- mechanisms of perception
- the sensorimotor systema/central sensorimotor programmes
- the biopsychology of eating and drinking
- hormones and sex
- sleep, dreaming and Circadian rhythms, drug addiction and reward circuits in the brain, memory and amnesia
- neuroplasticity - development and learning and recovery from brain damage
- lateralization, language, and the split brain
- biopsychology of emotion, stress and mental illness.
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