Robert Smithson, the collected writings
edited by Jack Flam
(The documents of twentieth century art / general editor, Jack Flam ; founding editor, Robert Motherwell)
University of California Press, c1996
The writings of Robert Smithson
: pbk : alk. paper700/SmB9600338
: pbk704858807
: pbk : alk. paper704/SM//0061735
: pbk : alk. paper700||Fl70268021
名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文美学 704||Sm1162646
: pbk704//ROB110904750 "Revised and expanded edition of The writings of Robert Smithson, edited by Nancy Holt and published by New York University Press in 1979"--Pref Includes bibliographical references (p. 384-386) and index 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より general editor, Jack Flam ; founding editor, Robert Motherwell
University of California Press
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