This work comprises the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Crete, Greece, which took place between May 27-29, 1996. Topics discussed include: turbulence modelling; aerodynamic flows; heat transfer; and combustion systems.
I. Turbulence Modelling. Invited lecture: Some resolved and unresolved issues in modelling non-equilibrium and unsteady turbulent flows (K. Hanjalic). Second-moment computations of flow and heat transfer through U-bends of moderate curvature (H. Iacovides et al. ). 2. Direct and Large-Eddy Simulations. Invited lecture: Recent advances in large-eddy simulation (J.H. Ferziger). First experiences with LES of flows past bluff bodies (M. Breuer, M. Pourquie). 3. Applications of Turbulence Simulations. Invited lecture: Turbulence simulation in the Japanese automotive industry (M. Hashiguchi). Predictions of recirculation zones in turbulent swirl flows (A.V. Smirnov, J. Chomiak). 4. Experimental Techniques. Visualization of flow around circular cylinders at high Reynolds numbers (J.W. Hoyt, R.H.J. Sellin). Particle image velocimetry applied to microstructures in turbulent flows (L. Dieterle, R. Weichert). 5. Experimental Studies. An experimental study on the radial wall jet on a rotating disk (M. Itoh, M. Okada). Radial wall jets - turbulence measurements (M. Myszko, K. Knowles). 6. Transition. Conditionally averaged flow equations to model by-pass transition (J. Steelant, E. Dick). Large-eddy simulation and modelling of transition following a leading-edge separation bubble (P.R. Voke et al. ). Heat Transfer. Local characteristics of impinging round jets (S.V. Alekseenko, D.M. Markovich). Experimental and numerical investigation of turbulent heat transfer in a channel with periodically arranged rib roughness elements (H. Braun, H. Neumann). Aerodynamic Flows. A similarity theory for the plane wall jet (W.K. George et al. ). Modelling of compressible boundary layer flows over rough surfaces (F. Glikson, B. Aupoix). 9. Turbomachinery Flows. The influence of the film-cooling coolant channel geometry on the jet-mixing (D.T. Vogel). Numerical study of effusion cooling in a double-row discrete-hole configuration using a low-Re Reynolds stress transport model (L.S. Jansson, L. Davidson). 10. Combustion Systems. A study of turbulent isothermal and non-premixed reacting wake flows past a two-dimensional square cylinder (P. Koutmos et al. ). Investigation of turbulent field in premixed acetylene flame using conditional and unconditional LDA statistics (S.N. Oka, V.V. Bakic). 11. Two-Phase Flows. Experimental and computational investigations of nearly dense two-phase sudden expension flows (M. Founti, A. Klipfel). 3D numerical simulation and measurement of strongly swirling heavy dust-laden flow inside a cyclone separator (E.D. Cristea et al. ).
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