Experts in the fields of organizational politics and justice explore the nuances of organizational life. They analyze how these concepts work alone and in concert with each other to influence employees' perceptions of and reactions to their organizations. One argument concludes that managers use politics to compensate for the inadequacies in the current approach to human resources management, while another finds that support and justice benefit the employer, not the employee. Practitioners and scholars in human resources, organizational behavior, psychology, and business law will find new and controversial interpretations of human behavior in the workplace.
The Social Setting of Work Organizations: Politics, Justice, and Support by Russell Cropanzano, K. Michele Kacmar, and Dennis P. Bozeman
Organizational Politics
Political Fairness and Fair Politics: The Conceptual Integration of Divergent Constructs by Gerald R. Ferris, Dwight D. Frink, Terry A. Beehr, and David C. Gilmore
Influences of Supervisor Behaviors on the Levels and Effects of Workplace Politics by L. Alan Witt
How Politics Can Destructure Human Resources Management in the Interest of Empowerment, Support, and Justice by Robert L. Dipboye
Organizational Justice
Justice and Authority Relations in Organizations by E. Allan Lind
Procedural Justice and Influence Tactics: Fairness, Frequency, and Effectiveness by Maureen L. Ambrose and Lynn K. Harland
The Use and Abuse of Power: Justice as Social Control by Robert J. Bies and Thomas M. Tripp
Organizational Support
Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Justice by Lynn McFarlane Shore and Ted H. Shore
Total Quality Teams: How Organizational Politics and Support Impact the Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Teams by John C. Howes, Maryalice Citera, and Russell S. Cropanzano
Procedural Justice and Perceived Organizational Support: Hypothesized Effects on Job Performance by Peter M. Fasolo
About the Contributors
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