Meditations on first philosophy : with selections from the Objections and replies
René Descartes ; translated and edited by John Cottingham ; with an introductory essay by Bernard Williams
(Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy)
Cambridge University Press, 1996
Rev. ed. / a new introduction for this edition by John Cottingham
Meditationes de prima philosophia
: pbk13523/D64-110287153
: hbk135905138
: pbk10305471
: pbk00475916
名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文哲学 135.2||D1158654
: pbk135.23:D-64/HL1514001530410452
: pbk135.23||D64212105906 Translation of: Meditationes de prima philosophia Includes bibliographical references (p. xli-xlii) and index 内容説明 目次 「Nielsen BookData」 より
Cambridge University Press
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