Advances in computing techniques : algorithms, databases and parallel processing : JSPS-NUS Seminar on Computing, National University of Singapore, 5-7 December, 1994
Advances in computing techniques : algorithms, databases and parallel processing : JSPS-NUS Seminar on Computing, National University of Singapore, 5-7 December, 1994
This proceedings collects papers in the areas of computer algorithms, databases and parallel processing. The papers were presented by very prominent computer scientists from Japan and Singapore invited to a three days JSPS-NUS seminar held in Singapore on Dec '94.
Part 1 Algorithms: decompositions of partially defined Boolean functions, E. Boros et al
optimum partitioning of a rectilinear layout, L.-P. Ku and H.W. Leong
finding optimal egde-rankings of trees - a correct algorithm, X. Zhou and T. Nishizeki
a parallel image segmentation algorithm based on convex hull, Q.-Z. Ye and H.L. Oh
some algorithmic problems arising from genome informatics, S. Miyano et al
parallel cubic gridsort with imposed heap constraint, S.-C. Tay et al
ordered binary decision diagrams, graph theory and computational geometry, H. Imai et al. Part 2 Databases: VIEW - cooperative work support by database functions, Y. Kambayashi
from object migration to message processing - a re-look at object identity, T.W. Ling and P.K. Teo
introduction to the super database computer, SDC-II, M. Kitsuregawa
a framework for modelling cost in multidatabases, H. Lu and K.-L. Tan
the multiple-type mechanism and view functions of an object-oriented persistent programming language INADA, H. Amano et al. Part 3 Parallel processing: massively parallel processing project of the Japanese Ministry of Education, H. Tanaka
BaLinda Plus - adding objects to parallel languages, C.K. Yuen
multigrid preconditioning for conjugate gradient method and its parallelization, Y. Oyanagi and O. Tatebe
a framework for visualizing parallel computer system performance, Y.M. Teo and W.N. Chin
a parallel computer architecture for volume rendering, Y. Tsushima et al
a multi-DSP computer engine for vision applications, T.T. Tay and B.H. Chua
GRAPE - special purpose computer for classical many-body simulations, T. Ebisuzaki et al
synchronous message-passing communications with dynamic channel instantiation, B. Lian et al.